GMAT Sample Essays 8 - Motorcycle X Essay Prompt

The following is taken from a sample essay prompt (Analytical Writing Assignment Section) of the GMAT:

The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper:

Motorcycle X has been manufactured in the United States for more than 70 years. Although one foreign company has copied the motorcycle and is selling it for less, the company has failed to attract motorcycle X customers?some say because its product lacks the exceptionally loud noise made by motorcycle X. But there must be some other explanation. After all, foreign cars tend to be quieter than similar American-made cars, but they sell at least as well. Also, television advertisements for motorcycle X highlight its durability and sleek lines, not its noisiness, and the ads typically have voice-overs or rock music rather than engine-roar on the sound track.

Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

No copyright infringement is intended.

Sample Essay #1

The author of the article asserts that the reason why the company selling a similar motorcycle to Motorcycle X fails to gain popularity is not because the product, which is a copy product of Motorcycle X, doesn't produce exhaust sound. Supposedly, only the characteristic that makes different from Motorcycle X is the sound. The reasons that the author introduces are, first, that the difference in noise doesn't make sense in automobile, and second, that the advertisement of Motorcycle X doesn't appeal any noisy characteristics. His argument, however, has serious flaws, and thereby it fails to convince the readers of the newspaper.

First of all, the author fails to establish connection between the reasons that he cites and the unpopularity of the product that the foreign company manufactures. That is, the symptom in cars doesn't have a direct link with the one in motorcycles, and the fact that the Motorcycle X's advertisement doesn't stress the sound nature doesn't necessarily mean that the induction that the lack of similar sound of the counter product is denied. Therefore, to strengthen the argument, the authors should have showed a direct causal relationship between his premises and the symptom.

The biggest problem from a writing structural point of view is that the article lacks a conclusion. He says that the possible cause is not a good explanation for the situation, but he doesn't show any reason that he thinks of as a major cause. He should have at least mentioned his opinion at the article.

In conclusion, his reasoning is weak because of the reasons that he cites, and above all, his reasoning lacks the conclusion, and thereby it is not considered a good argument.

Sample Essay #2

The argument states that the foreign company copied the motorcycle X and the sales is not good as Motorcycle X, because it lacks the loud noise, which is made by motorcycle X, and besides that, there must be some other explanation. The author cites the sample of car selling to do comparison, and makes the advertisements as evidence to support his view. But the author fails to convince me, because he has makes several assumptions.

To begin with, the author put the foreign made products at the same platform to do comparison with US-made products. To a consumer, perhaps, it is not very obvious, but it's no doubt that more or less a consumer has emotional factor to impact his decision. Normally, if the product made by foreign nation has good quality as same as the one made by US, and meanwhile, the price is not very competitive, most likely, the consumer would buy the one made by US. For example, US is the pioneer of IT industry, if a US citizen wants to purchase a computer between US brand, Dell and Chinese brand, Lenovo, the choice will go to Dell, because of the preference to support own country.

Secondly, if the author put the country preference away, he still assumes that car selling could be compared with motorcycle selling. Frankly, it is true that foreign cars have certain marketing share in the whole industry, but car and motorcyle are two different products, though they are all engine-driven. It is very possible that when people choose car, people would consider price, safety, maintenance frequency, but for motorcycle, it's not as popular as car, when people buy motorcycle, fashion, noise, speed may become the main points to consider. Therefore, it is not reasonable expect motorcycle sales good only due to car selling was good before.

Finally, even if the car selling is suitable to fit the car selling, the advertisement evidence still works under an assumption. The author assumes that the customers who buy the motorcycle X are driven by TV advertisement to make the choice. To be honest, the TV ads typically doesn't show the loud noise to audience, but it doesn't proved that the customers buy the motorcycle by the motivation of TV watch. Actually, the majority of the motor riders are young people, who now like the internet surfing, internet marketing and internet purchasing. For example, 80% of the friends around me are buying products from internet now, and they don't even watch TV now. The young people adore the internet ads more than the TV ads. Thus, the TV ads couldn't support the author's view completely.

To sum up, the argument makes three assumptions when expressing his view, and if the author wants to convince more people to trust this argument, he has to release more analysis and proof to show that people treat foreign products as same as own-country-made products, car selling is comparable with motorcycle selling and the TV ads is the main channel to promote.

Sample Essay #3

The argument above states that the foreign copycats of motorcycle X failed to attract the original brand customers for the reason other than the distinguishing lound noise made by motorcycle X. The arguer presents several reasons: comparison with noise level of foreign cars, television advertisements highlights of durability and sleek lines instead of noisiness, and voice over the engine-roar. In my view these evidences are not convincing enough to arrive at the conclusion that noise is not the key identity, or key selling point of motorcycle X for below reasons:

First of all, it is doubtful to use foreign cars as an analog to motorcycle, as these two different type of products present different attractions to buyers. For example, quietness of cars are typically viewed as an important quality of the product, while motorcycle X, on the other hand, sells their products by distinctive noises. therefore quieter foreign cars sell at least as well as American cars is not comparable to the motorcycle category.

Secondly, even if motor cycle's quietness is a relevant quality that potential buyer would consider, the arguer confused 'product category' with 'brand'. there are several dimensions of a brand image, and its perception in the target customers' minds. In this case, brand motorcycle X is perceived by its over 70 years long built customer base as loud, durable and sleek etc. So for the marketing strategy, or to be more precise advertising strategy, motorcycle X choosing to highlight its durability and sleek lines does not necessarily mean that these are the only two dimensions of the brand. It can well be the reason that since noisiness is such as established quality of the brand thus the company prefer to spend its advertising dollars on some other important features such as mentioned above.

Further more, mentioning the rock music in the advertisement helps to prove other way than what the arguer states. Rock music is loud. It well relates to the loud motorcycle X and helps to illustrate the brand image and product quality. Voice-overs rather than engine roar is not sufficient to prove that engine roar, or the noisiness is not important.

Therefore, the argument of above passage uses a different product category as an analog which is not convincing enough and mistakenly considers product as brand. More information or evidences needed to be provided for the reasoning that foreign copycats fail for the reason other than the noise level.

Sample Essay #4

The author's conclusion, that it is not the motorcycle X's engine roar and but something else, making motorcycle X's customers to not switch to cheaper copied version of motorcycle X, is refutable. In support of the conclusion author presents facts: firstly, the example of car industry, where quiter foreign cars sell atleast as well as American made cars. Secondly, author mentions the motorcycle X's advertisement, which highlight motorcycle X's durability and sleek lines instead of engine roar and basis that he questions that how can engine roar could be reason for customer not to switch to cheaper copied version of motorcycle X.Conclusion of the author based on flawed assumption that purchasing patterns of customers towards a car and motorcycle are same. Also he falsely assumes since television advertisement of motorcycle X does not focus on engine roar so engine roar cannot be the reason for customers to stick to the motorcycle X. The argument is unconvincing because it suffers from primarily two critical flaws.

Firstly, the assumption that since quiet foreign cars sell as well as american made cars, so should be the motorcycle. Author overlooks the fact that while purchasing a car customers might evaluate features of a car different than those of a motorcycle, while purchasing a motorcycle. While making such comparison author should have mentioned why purchasing of a car is similar to purchasing of a motorcycle? Since, author overlooks logical facts while stating example of car industry, so the assumption basis the same is completely flawed.

Secondly, the author assumes that since advertisement of the motorcycle X does not highlight engine roar so how can customer would be preferring motorcycle X over copied verision basis engine roar? Author overlooks the fact that motorcycle X is in business for 70 years and so possibly motorcycle X's engine roar does not need any introduction and so highlights motorcycle X's other features. If, while stating this fact author would have looked at familiarity of motorcycle X's customers with the product.How well versed the motorcycle X's customers are with the engine roar of the motorcycle X? And how the motorcycle X is recognized among it's customers. For example is the brand recognition through engine roar or something else? Since, author concludes in lack of logical facts so the conclusion made by author is flawed.

Conclusively, in lack of evidences author concludes that the reason for customers of motorcycle X not switching to copied version is not engine roar and something else is flawed. Because argument leaves out several key issues so it's not sound and persuasive. So i disgree with the authors opinion that the reason for customers of motorcycle X not switching to copied version is not engine roar and something else basis stated facts.

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